Funeral service on Wednesday, April 26,2006 at 2:00 p.m. at the Hornbeak Funeral Chapel and burial was in the Obion County Memorial Gardens.
She was a member of the South Fulton Baptist Church and was
the former office manager for the Fulton Housing Authority.
She had lived in this community all of her life. She was also a
counsil member for the American Cancer Society.
She is survived by her husband - R. W. "Tony" Slayden of Fulton, KY whom she married May 11, 1972. 2 daughters- Kimberly
Slayden Jackson of Fulton,KY and Laura Slayden Hogue of Harvest,
Alabama, 3 grandchildren , her parents- W.D. & Dorothy LaDon
(Kupfer) Tegethoff of South Fulton, TN, a sister - Susan Hall of Woodland Mills, TN and her mother in law - Edna Slayden of Fulton, KY.